AATCC 88B:2014 pdf download

AATCC 88B:2014 pdf download.Smoothness of Seams in Fabrics after Repeated Home Laundering
8.1.1 It is recognized that special cy- cles or features are available on current washing machines and dryers to achieve improved performance on certain items; i.e., gentle cycles with reduced agitation to protect delicately constructed items, and durable press cycles, with cool-down or cold rinses and reduced spin speeds, to minimize wrinkling. In evaluating seam appearance, however, the more severe Normal or Cotton Sturdy machine cycle is considered most appropriate. If modifi- cations to any of the cycles (see 8.2) are used, these must be reported in the results (see Section 10).
8.2.5 For specimens to be dried by Pro- cedures A, B or D, allow washing to pro- ceed automatically through the final spin cycle. Remove the test specimens imme- diately after the final spin cycle, separate tangled pieces, taking care to minimize distortion and dry by Procedure A, B or D (see Table II and 8.1).
8.2.6 For specimens to be dried by Pro- cedure C, Drip Dry, remove the speci- mens from the washer just before the water begins to drain for the final rinse cycle. Remove specimens soaking wet.
8.2.7 Washer creases. Specimens may be in a folded or creased state after wash- ing. Such folds or creases should be re- moved by hand prior to drying.
8.3 Drying.
8.3.1 (A) Tumble Dry. Place the washed load (test specimens and ballast) in the tumble dryer and set the tempera- ture control to generate the correct ex- haust temperatures as specified in the AATCC Monograph M6, Standardiza- tion of Home Laundry Test Conditions, (see 8.1). For fibers that are heat sensi- tive, lower temperatures consistent with producers’ recommendations are required, and must be reported. Operate the dryer until the total load is dry. Remove the load immediately after the machine stops. Avoid overdrying. Static cling becomes a problem with overdrying, particularly with lightweight fabrics, because it pre- vents the specimens from tumbling freely.
8.3.2 (B) Line Dry. Hang each fabric specimen by two corners with the fabric length in the vertical direction. Allow specimens to hang in still air at room temperature until dry.AATCC 88B pdf download.



