AATCC 94:2020 pdf download

AATCC 94:2020 pdf download.Test Method for Finishes in Textiles: Identification
5. Safety Precautions
5.1 The safety precautions specified in the method/procedure are ancillary to the testing procedures and arc not intended to be all inclusive.
5.2 It is the user’s responsibility to reference applicable safety data sheets, use safe and proper techniques. and wear appropriate personal protective equipment in handling materials in this standard.
5.3 Users MUST consult manufacturers for specific details such as equipment operating instructions and other recoinmendations. Consult and follow all applicable health and safety regulations (e.g., OSIIA standards and rules).
5.4 Refer to each procedure for additional safety precautions regarding handling acids, hexane and methanol flammability, and reflux precautions.
6. Limitations
6.1 This test method is a flexible set of guidelines for identification of textile finishes. Appropriate adjustments and modifications will be needed as finishing chemicals change and as new analytical test methods are developed.
6.2 Any chemical which is on the textile prior to finishing may be present on the finished fabric and could be removed and/or detected as finish. Warp sizes. [e.g., starches, acrylics, waxes, polyesters, poly(vinyl alcohol)], dyes, dye fixatives, binders, spin finishes, natural gums, sugars, optical brighteners, and processing chemicals (e.g.. surfactants. bleach stabilizers, dye carriers, and oils) may be present by design or unintentionally. A working knowledge of these chemicals is needed to properly detect and identify them. Where possible. supplier should be consulted for further information.
8. Solvent Extraction Procedures
8.1 Extraction with various solvents is intended to remove as many finishing chemicals as possible in a sequential order. The extraction scheme presented here (see Table I) was chosen on the basis of solvent polarity. solubility, volatility. economy and safety.
8.2 Use chemical goggles or face shield, impervious gloves and an impervious apron during dispensing and mixing of alkalis, acids and organic solvents. Handle concentrated acids only in an adequately ventilated laboratory hood. CAUTION: Always add acid to water.
8.2 Changes in chemical finishes, safety considerations or personal preferences may dictate the use of other solvents. The user is responsible for determining which finish types may be removed by each solvent.
8.3 Some finishes may not be soluble in any solvent. An alternate method for insoluble finishes such as fullycrosslinkcd polymers [e.g., some acrylics, polyurethanes, silicones and poly(vinyl acetates)] is to dissolve all of the fibrous material with a suitable solvent, leaving the residue of finish for further analysis. Refer to AATCC TM2O. Table V (sec 3.1).AATCC 94 pdf download.



