AATCC STYLE GUIDE:2017 pdf download

AATCC STYLE GUIDE:2017 pdf download.AATCC Style Guide for Writing Test Methods
2.1.1 All AATCC test methods are re-quired to contain the sections identified in the list below by an asterisk. Test methods may also contain the additional sections shown in the list. However, in order to promote uniform style, the addi-tional sections may only be used in the sequence shown. Titles or headings of the sections may not be replaced with other terms.
2.4 Title
2.4.1 Name the property to be measured, not some quality to be inferred. Keep the title explicit and terse. For example: “Loss of Strength in Rayon Cloth by Exposure to Sulfurous Acid”; not “Resistance of Fabric to Acid Damage.”“Biological Oxygen Demand in Textile Mill Effluents” not “Stream Sanitation.”
2.4.2 In order to simplif’ finding methods in alphabetical listing, key words that describe the general nature of the test should be used in the beginning of the title followed by more specific descriptive terms. For example, AATCC Method 162. Colorfastness to Water: (‘hlorinated Pool.
2.5 Activity History
2.5.1 State briefly the history of the test rncthod including the number of the committee which developed it. the first year of publication and the year of all subsequent rcaffirmations. editorial revisions and technical revisions. Also list any similar test methods of other organi7ations such as ISO.
2.14 Verification, Calibration
2.14.1 Instruments and equipment must be periodically verified to protect against any drift due to time, wear or accident. Such checks may be made by the operator every time a test is performed. or perhaps daily, like checking the zero point of analytical balances. The check may be rarely performed, as when installing new apparatus or setting up after a major relocation; or the check may be part of good laboratory management that is performed as weekly or monthly routine. Include day-to-day verification in PROCEDURE. Infrequent checks belong in a separate appendix. Include verifications that are part of laboratory routine and which should be put on a regular schedule.
2.14.2 Besides mechanical adjustments, include calibration curves, standard curves and verification of normality (or molarity) of standard solutions.
2.14.3 Describe the preparation of standard reagents: also standard curves or tables relating the quantity of an unknown with reference to color transmission, conductance, p11 or other property of a standard solution.AATCC STYLE GUIDE pdf download.



