ASME QPS-2021 pdf free

ASME QPS-2021 pdf free.Quality Program for Suppliers: General Industry.
1-3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS The following are terms and definitions used in this Standard. annual: a 12-month period in which an eventis to occur in the same month for each successive year. The specific month completing the 12-month cycle and identified as “month 12” is initially established and identified under the Certificate Holder’s qualityprogram. Otherthan the numberofdays inagivenmonth, there is no allowance foragrace period unless specifically permitted under ASME QPS. authorized personnel: as documented within the Certificate Holder’s quality program, identified personnel or role titles given specific authorization to perform a specific activity, function, process, or special process. customeragreement:adocument,inclusiveofanyamendments,annexes,orattachments,thatisissuedbythecustomerto the Certificate Holder and specifies a product, including its technical and quality requirements; may also be known as a “contract” or “customer purchase order.” Certificate Holder: an organization having or renewing a QPS Certificate issued by ASME, or an organization operating under a QPS Certificate issued by ASME. competencyexamination: a written or practical test, or a combination ofboth, administered to determine an individual’s knowledge and competence. competencyrequirements: attributes necessaryto perform a taskorprocess satisfactorily, such as specificskills, abilities, personal attributes, training, experience, knowledge, oranycombination thereofwhen identified in the qualityprogram. These attributes may be further grouped as requisites or prerequisites. competencymatrix: a document identifying a specific task or process and the elements ofthe competency requirements thatmustbe satisfiedbyanindividual. The specifictaskorprocess is undertakenbysomeone who meets thecompetency requirements.
technical job file: the conversion of the product’s original source specification either from a customer agreement or a product specification into documents controlled under the Certificate Holder’s quality program. These controlled docu- ments are identified or assembled to establish the manufacturing processes and acceptance criteria required to manu- facture the product in conformance with the original source specification. The documents, which ensure the product’s technicalandqualityrequirements will be achievedandverifiedbytheCertificate Holder’s personnel,include butarenot limitedto the customeragreement, drawings, instructions, specifications, standards, process sheets, travelers, labels and tags, and product specification. technical manager: an individual who has been appointed by the executive management to be responsible for the Certi- ficate Holder’s technical activities based on the established competency requirements ofthe Certificate Holder’s quality program.Thisisagenerictermusedtoestablishaperson’sfunctionandmaynotnecessarilybetheactualtitleassignedby the Certificate Holder; this person’s title is established bythe Certificate Holder and identified in its organizational chart. technical personnel: individuals who are knowledgeable ofthe product specified in the customer agreement or product specification and understand the technical requirements of the product. The individual is knowledgeable in the meth- odology and equipment, tooling, and machinery needed to fabricate the product. technical requirements: documentation defining the product’s functional requirements, which include design require- ments, physical characteristics, chemical composition, features, performance requirements, intended purpose, or any combination thereof. test:anelementofverificationthatdeterminesthecapabilityofaproducttomeetitstechnicalrequirementsbysubjecting the product to specified physical, chemical, environmental, or operating conditions.ASME QPS pdf download.



