ASME STS-1-2001 pdf download

ASME STS-1-2001 pdf download.ASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE STS Steel Stacks.
2.2.3 Stiffeners and Structural Braces and/or Framework (a) Stiffeners and structural braces and/or framework typically may be of one or more of the following materials: (1) Carbon steels conforming to the ASTM A 36, A 283, ur A 529 Specifications; (2) High-strength, low alloy steels conforming to the ASTM A 242, A 572, or A 588 Specifications; (3) Stainless stccls conforming to the ASTM A 240 or A 666 Specifications or nickel-containing alloys having compositions similar to those of the shell platc. (b) Protection may be required against corrosion for components exterior to the shell and against corrosion and/or oxidation for components on the shel! interior. Section 3 should be consulted and utilized as appro- priate.
3.5 Insulation, Jacketing, and Strapping 3.5.1 Insulation (a) Insulation may be required on the stack exterior and/or interior. or between the walls of a dual wall stack. (b) Insulating tinings are covered in para. on Inorganic Linings. (c) There are numerous ASTM standards covering tenmnai insuiating materiais and tiheir properties. Tiese standards should be consulted and utilizcd in conjunction with the manufacturers' recommendations to meet the application requirements. 3.5.2 Jacketing and Strapping (a) Jacketing may be of a material selected from one of the following ASTM Specifications: (I) aluminum coated steel conforming to A 463; (2) galvanized steel conforming to A 527; (3) stainless stee! conforming to A 666; (4) aluminum conforming to R 209. (b) Strapping may be of the same material as the jacketing, but stainless steel is usually preferred.
4 STRUCTURAL DESIGN 4.1 Scope The structura! design section includes currently ac- ceptable methods for establishing structural cnnfigura- tion of steel stacks and stack elements to resist all external and internal loads imposed by the geography and lopography of the sile and by uperaling cunditions. 4.2 General 4.2.1 Limitations. The design recommendations made in the Standard are applicable primarily to circular sieei stacks. 4.2.2 Location. The stack design and construction shall be appropriate to the specific site, with particular considerulion to iocal wind and seisuic conditions, aircraft traffic, opcrating conditions, and local laws.
4.3 Applied Loading 4.3.1 Dead Load. The dead load shall consist of the weight of steel stack, coatings, intermnal liner, insula- tion, and cladding, and all permanent accessorics such as ladders, platforms, and gas sampling cquipment. For dead load, the full plate thickness shall be used. The corroded plate area shal! be used for stress calculations. For stacks possessing refractory lining. the applied weight of the refractory material shall. be used to calculate dead load stresses. 4.3.2 Live Load. The minimum live load of 50 psf shall be included for platforms and walkways. This load need not be considered for wind or earthquake combinations. Consideration shall be given for accumu- lated ash loads, and moisture in the case of wel gases, on the stack walls and floors.ASME STS-1 pdf download.



