ASME Y14.24-2012 pdf download.Types and Applications of Engineering Drawings.
6.2 Inseparable Assembly Drawing
6.2.1 Description. An inseparable assembly draw- ing delineates two or more parts, subordinate assem- blies, or a combination of these items that may be separately fabricated and are permanently joined (e.g., welded, brazed, riveted, sewed, glued, or other pro- cesses) to form an integral unit or part not normally capable of being disassembled for replacement or repair of individual pieces. It establishes item identification for the assembly. See Fig. 6-3.
6.2.2 Application Guidelines. An inseparable assembly drawing may be prepared in lieu of individual detail drawings for the parts of an inseparable assembly. For example, a welded or riveted bracket, a metal chest riveted together, or a canvas case sewed together may be covered by an inseparable assembly drawing without separate detail drawings. Individual pieces may be detailed in the assembled condition in lieu of separate detail views or drawings.
6.2.3 Requirements. An inseparable assembly drawing fully defines the end product as assembled. An inseparable assembly drawing includes, as applicable (a) a PIN for all items thatbecome a partofthe insepa- rable assembly (b) methods of assembly and requirements for fin- ishes, processes, settings and adjustments, and other relevant data necessary to complete the item (c) depiction of the items in the assembled condition, using sufficient detail for identification, orientation, and assembly of the items (d) a PIN assigned to the assembly configuration (e) identification marking requirements
7.3 Requirements An installation drawing includes, as applicable (a) overall and principle dimensions in sufficient detail to establish space requirements for installation, operation, and servicing, including clearance for (1) opening of doors (2) removal of plug-in units (3) travel or rotationofany movingparts, including the centers of rotation, angles of elevation, and depression (b) interface mounting and mating information (e.g., locating dimensions for attaching hardware). (c) interfaces for pipe and cable attachments. (d) references to interconnecting and cabling data and to associated lists. (e) identification of and requirements for installation items not included in the parts list of the using assembly drawing. (f) reference to the assembly drawing of the major item being installed. (g) a parts list specifying the items to be installed. See para. 1.6. (h) supporting structure and associated items that are not included in the installed items. Providing this infor- mation is optional. When shown, such items shall be depicted by phantom lines and identified as reference data. Reference data is indicated by enclosing the data in parentheses or by labeling it REF.ASME Y14.24 pdf download.