ASME RAM-1–2020 pdf download

ASME RAM-1–2020 pdf download.Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability of Equipment and Systems in Power Plants.
1 INTRODUCTION ARAM program is a structured methodologyto identify and meet the reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) requirements of a power plant in the most cost- effective manner. This Standard provides requirements to govern the master planning process for a power plant RAM program. It is intended to guide the develop- mentand implementation ofa comprehensive availability assurance program throughout the design, construction, and operation phases ofthe RAM project. This Standard is applicable to both new and existing facilities.
2 SCOPE This Standard identifies the elements and responsibil- ities required to establish a RAM program for any power- generation facility. The program process includes (a) establishment of RAM goals (b) developmentofrequirements for design, construc- tion and commissioning, and operations
3 PURPOSE The purpose of this Standard is to meet the owner’s power plant RAM performance goals. This Standard requires the owner to determine those goals and the criteria to achieve them. To this end, it identifies program requirements that support effective reliability processes in design, construction and commissioning, and operations. It requires a risk-based approach to design and provides requirements to optimize perfor- mance effectively throughout the life cycle of the power plant.
redundancy: a method of design where a duplicate struc- ture, system, or component is provided such that if one fails, the redundant structure, system, or component will operate in its place to the extentthatplantperformance is not affected. Diversity is a similar design concept that achieves the same outcome by using alternative technical means. reliability: the probabilityofanitemto performarequired function under stated conditions for a specified period of time, or the ability ofan item to perform a required func- tion under given conditions for a given time interval. requirements: specific, quantifiable characteristics that define the success of a project. These shall define plant function, plant life, plant output, and plant performance, e.g., plantefficiency, plantstaffing, plantavailability, plant reliability, plant maintainability, plant financials, and other characteristics that are important to the owner. This Standard requires the owner to provide specific plant requirements that will identify the success of the project. risk: the probability of a negative event occurring. risk assessment: the method ofassessing risk and quanti- fying the impact to public safety and/or plant perfor- mance. A risk assessment is done with the goal of reducing the risk such that the plant can safely achieve the performance required by the owner. (See also risk.)ASME RAM-1 pdf download.



