CSA CGA 5.2-71:2019 pdf download

CSA CGA 5.2-71:2019 pdf download.Gas-fired waterless toilet
1.1.1 The application of these requirements sha11 be 1imited to gas-fired water1ess toilets which are manufactured, so1d and installed as a packaged, comp1etely assemb1ed, unit.
1.1.2 Gas-fired toilets approved under these r equirements are intended to be installed in accordance with the Provincia1 installation re-quirements or in their absence CSA B149 installation code shall prevai1.
1.1.3 Gas-fired toilets approved under these requir ements sha11 be newly produced tollets, constructed entire1y of new, unused parts and materials.
1.1.4 Waterless Toilets with sealed combustion system,A self contained app 1iance constructed so that a11 air for combustion is derived from the outside a tmosphere and a11 flue gases are discharged to the outside a tmosphere.
1.2.1 The assemb1y of the toilet sha11 be of a neat and wor kman1ike character with a11 parts we1l fitted and with bo1ts drawn up tight1y to give rigidity.
Exposed edges of parts which might reasonably be brought in contact with the body during norma1 usage or servicing sha1l be smooth.
1.2.2 The construction of every part of the toilet shall be such that it will not show signs of becoming so warped, bent, broken, or otherwise damaged, as to prevent the appliance from comp1ying with any of these requir ements. If any indication 1s observed during the testspr escribed herein that the app1iance wi1l not continue to meet the requirements in normal usage such supp1ementary life tests sha11 be made as will determine reasonably satisfactory service.
1.2.3 A11 parts such as main burner(s),pi1ot burner(s), orifice(s), and other parts which are subject to repair, cleaning or adjus tment ,sha11 be readily accessible and r emovab1e.
1.2.6 Toilets shal1 be accompanied by instructions and diagr ams adequate for their proper installation and safe operation, including a11 controls and accessories.
When access is requlred for servicing from other than the top or front of the toilet,these instructions shal1 a1so include information relative to minimum clearances necessary for such access. These ins tructions sha11 a1so inc1ude complete information on operation of the timer and sha11 inc1ude r ecommended minimum settings for various types of charges to be burned.
These instructions sha11 be reviewed by the testing agency for accuracy and for compa tibility with results of test from a technical standpoint on1y.
1.2.7 A sealed combustion system waterless toi1et sha11 be provided with a venting system as part of the unit.Venting systems sha11 be provided with means for secure at tachment to the appliance or wa11 struc ture.CSA CGA 5.2-71 pdf download.



