AATCC 127:2003 pdf download

AATCC 127:2003 pdf download.Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pressure Test
4. Safety Precautions NOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposes only. The pre- cautions arc ancillary to the tcsting procc- dures and are not intended to be all inclu- sive. It is the user's responsibility to use safe and proper techniqucs in handling malcrials in this lest method. Manufac- turers MUST be consulted for spccific dctails. such as matcrial safcty data sheets and other manufacturer 's recommenda- tions. All OSHA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed.
4.1 Good laboratory practices should be followed. Wear safcty glasses in all laboratory arcas.
4.2 Manufacturer's safely recommen- dations should be followed when operat- ing laboratory lesting equipment.
10.2.1 In 1993, a limited interlabora- tory study was completed. which in- cluded six laboratories. lwo operators in cach, runing determinations on three specimens of lwo fabrics. No prior as- sessmcnt was madc of the rclative level of the participating laboratories on per- formance of the tcst mcthod.
10.2.2 The two fabrics were at differ- ent levels (Fabric I approximately 810 mm and Fabric 2 approximately 340 mm). and residual varianccs of the two . fabrics were found to be different. Ac- cordingly. precision is reported scparately for each fabric.
10.2.3 Users of the method are advised of the limited nature of this study and ad- vised to apply these findings with due caution.
10.2.4 Analysis of the data sets for cach fabric yiclded componcnts of vari- ance and critical diflierences as displaycd in Tables I. II and II. Differences be- lween Iwo averages of (N) determina- tions, for the appropriate precision pa- rametcr, should reach or cxcced the table valuc to be statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
11.1.1 The apparatus consists essentially of an inverted conieal well cquipped with a Coax- ial ring clamp to fasten the cloth specimen un- der the well botom. The apparatus introduccs water from above the specimen over an arca 114 mm in diameter and at a ratc of 10.0上0.5 mm of hydrostatic head per second. A miror is allixed below the spccimen to cnable the opcrator t0 ascertain penetration of the speci- men by drops of water. A valve is provided for venting the air in the well.AATCC 127 pdf download.



