AATCC 135:2003 pdf download

AATCC 135:2003 pdf download.Dimensional Changes of Fabrics after Home Laundering
6.1 Sampling and Preparation.
6.1.1 Samples from which dimensional change specimens are to be taken should be representative of the fabric processing stage, finishing treatment, research lab trial, pallet, lot or end-product stage.
6.1.2 Fabrics that are distorted in their unlaundered state may give deceptive di- mensional change results when laundered by any procedure. In such cases, it is rec- ommended that specimens not be taken from any distorted area of a fabric sam- ple.
6.1.3 Tubular knitted samples should be slit and handled flat in a single layer. Only circular knitted fabrics produced on body-width machines are to be used as specimens in their tubular form. Circular knitted fabrics made on body-width ma- chines are ones to be used in garments with no side seams. Body-width tubular circular knitted garments and seamless garments (knit-to-wear) should be tested according to AATCC Method 150, Di- mensional Changes of Garments after Home Laundering.
6.1.4 If fraying of specimens is ex- pected in laundering, see 12.7.
6.1.5 Prior to marking, condition test specimens as directed in ASTM D 1776, Standard Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles. Condition each speci- men for at least 4 h in an atmosphere of 21±1°C(70±2°F)and 65±2%RHby laying each test specimen separately on a screen or perforated shelf of a condition- ing rack.
6.1.6 Lay the sample on a flat surface. Do not allow any section of the sample to hang over the edge of the work table. Us- ing a template for the selected test size, mark specimens parallel to the selvege or fabric iength direction. Avoid use of the sample area within ten percent of the sample width. Specimens should be taken from arcas with different lengthwise and widthwise yarns (see Fig. 1). Identify the length direction of the specimens before cutting them out of the sample. When possible, three specimens from each fab- ric should be used. One or two specimens may be used when insufficient fabric sample is available.AATCC 135 pdf download.



