ASME BPVC.SSC.III.II.V.IX-2021 pdf download

ASME BPVC.SSC.III.II.V.IX-2021 pdf download.Summary of Significant Changes in the 2021 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
4 WELDING, BRAZING, AND FUSING DATA The data Articles include the variables grouped into categories such as joints, base materials and filler materials, positions, preheat/postweld heat treatment, gas, electrical characteristics, and technique. They are referenced from other Articles as they apply to each process. Users frequently misuse the data Articles by selecting variables that do not apply to a particular process. Variables apply only as referenced for the applicable process in Article II or Article III for welding, Article XII or Article XIII for brazing, and Article XXII or Article XXIII for plastic fusing. The user ofSection IX should notapplyanyvariable thatis not referenced for that process. TheseArticlesalsoincludeassignmentsofweldingandbrazingP-NumberstoparticularbasematerialsandF-Numbers to filler materials. Article IV also includes A-Number tables for reference by the Code user. Beginning with the 1994 Addenda, welding P-Numbers, brazing P-Numbers, and nonmandatory S-Numbers were consolidated into Table QW/QB-422. Both the QB-422 table (brazing P-Numbers) and Nonmandatory Appendix C table (S-Numbers) were deleted. The new Table QW/QB-422 was divided into ferrous and nonferrous sections. Metals were listed in numerical orderbymaterial specification number to aid users in locatingthe appropriate grouping number. In the 2009 Addenda, S-Number base metals listed in Table QW/QB-422 were reassigned as P-Numbers and the S- Number listings and references were deleted. TheQW-451 andQB-451 tablesforprocedurequalificationthicknessrequirementsandtheQW-452 andQB-452 tables forperformance qualificationthickness are givenandmaybe usedonlyas referencedbyotherparagraphs. Generally, the appropriate essential variables reference these tables. Revisions to the 1980 Edition ofSection IX introduced newdefinitions for position and added a fillet-weld orientation sketch to complementthegroove-weldorientationsketch.
Location: Introduction; QG-101; QG-102; QG-105.3; QW-101; QW-200.1; QW-200.2; QW-200.4; QW-202.1; QW-251.2; QW-290; QW-290.1; QW-290.2; QW-290.3; QW-290.5; QW-401.1; QW-403.5; and Nonmandatory Appendix K, K-301 Subject: Supplemental Essential Variables Explanation: Multiple paragraphs have been revised to clarify the circumstances under which supplementaryessential variablesarerequired. Supplementaryessentialvariablesbecomerequirementsforprocedurequalificationwhentough- ness testing ofthe procedure qualification is required by the referencing code, standard, or specification. Previously in Section IX, most references to supplementary essential variables were followed by the words “when required.” The revisions in the 2021 Edition ensure that all references to supplementary essential variables clearly indicate when the variables are required. Location: QG-102; QG-104; QG-106.1; QG-106.2; QG-109.2; and Nonmandatory Appendix L, L-200 Subject: Quality Program Explanation: The phrase “Quality Control System or Quality Assurance System” has been replaced by the more generic term “quality program” in the listed paragraphs, and a definition of “quality program” has been added to QG-109.2. Location: QG-106 Subject: Supervising Qualification Activities Explanation: Paragraph QG-106(a) has been revised to clarify the responsibilities ofthe welding supervisor. This revi- sionremovestherequirementthatpersonswho signqualificationrecordsbequalifiedinaccordancewithQG-106(b) and instead requires the organization to designate those who will be responsible for supervision, control, evaluation, and acceptance of qualification testing. Location: QG-106.1 Subject: Organization Qualification Requirements Explanation: Paragraph QG-106.1(a) has been revised so thatpersonnel performingsupervisoryactivities are no longer designated with the responsibility for certifying qualification documents.ASME BPVC.SSC.III.II.V.IX pdf download.



