ASME QAI-1-2003 pdf download

1-1.1.2 An Authorized Inspection Agency shall beaccredited by the Society pursuant to the provisions set forth in Part 4 of this Standard.
11.3 The Authorized Inspection Agency shall pro vide authorized inspection service within such states or provinces by inspectors who meet the qualifications of the Authorized Nuclear Inspector as defined herein.
1-1.2 Duties
An Authorized Inspection Agency4 shall perform the following duties.
1-1.2.1 Participale in the ASME surveys of organizations for which they provide Authorized Nuclear Inspection.
1-1.2.2 Pruvide qualified Authorized Nuclear Inspectors to monitor construction' in accordance with the ASME Code Section II, Division 1 or Division 3, or both.
1-1.2.5 Assure proper execution of responsibilities. In particular, the Agency shall:
(a) establish and implement an internal program which shall provide assurance that those of its employ- ees holding the positions of Supervisor and Authorized Nuclear Inspector perform work in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of this Standard. This program shali be documented by written policies, procedures, or instructions and shall be carried out throughout the life term of any agreement covering inspections required by the ASME Code, in accordance with the program. The program shall provide for indoctrination and training of personnel performing such activities, as necessary, to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and main- tained.
(b) provide instructions in writing to Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and their Supervisors, specifying their respective duties and responsibilities.
(c) provide instructions in writing to Authorized Nuclear Inspectors requiring them to immediately con- tact their Supervisor whenever the Inspector is u1nable to readily resolve any question concerning ASME Code compliance, manufacturing procedure, or quality assur- ance provision or its impiementation. Instructions should be inciuded as a reminder 如o the Authorized Nuclear Inspector that he has the authority and the duty to refuse t切o sign any Data Reports involving noncon- formance with the ASME Code.
1-1.2.8 Submit to the Nationa! Board an application for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor applicant, certifying that the Supervisor has the required experience and training.
1-1.2.9 Verify to the National Board that the audits required by 1-2.2.6 have been carried out.
1-1.2.10 Notify the ASME Conformity Assessment Department of the termination of an inspection
a greement with a holder of an ASME Certificate of Authorization.ASME QAI-1 pdf download.



